
Top Video Game Armors !

Armor is an important piece of equipment, be it in-game or real life. Game developers have always fascinated us by displaying their imagination in their productions.
      You must have wondered what these all might do when they come face-to-face with each other. So, keeping this idea in mind, we have compiled our top-5 list which includes your favorite Nanosuit, N7 Armor & much more. 


The Nanosuit boasts pure muscle power which enables users to fight their way through hard environments & tough enemies. The N2 fuel cells boost the power of the suit and increases it's capabilities to enable users to cloak themselves and even get "Maximum strength".
Special - 

1. "Cloak" and "Maximum Strength" modes increases play-through options                                                                                                         2.  "Nano-vision" & "Visor'' modes add high-visbilty and x-ray options which can help you to     rack enemies without facing them head-to-head. It also gives the wearer the ability to scan through the environment for weapons and ammunition. 

3. Hacking using the full nanosuit's potential can allow you to access Minefields, Ceph and    CELL Sentry Guns, containers, doors and also Ceph Automations.                                                                                                                  4.  Nanofibers increase the suit's real-time destructive capabilities.                                                                                                                    5.   If a user takes too much damage as in the case of Alcatraz, the Nanosuit can heal (grow into the wounds).

The N7 armor was designed to provide superior combat experience by augmenting technological, biotic and weapon damage while increasing health and providing additional shield to the user. 

Special - 

 1.  The N7 helmet has a dual layer fabric armor which are of real benefit in battle as it provides an additional 5% health benefit.

2.  The chest piece consist of interlocking ablative ceramic plates which are proven to be lightweight, effect and can be easily repaired. The chest plate also provides an additional 10%
 increase in health. 

3.  Shoulder guards are curved shells of ablative ceramic plates over kinetic padding boasting a 10% increase in health.                                                                            4.  N7's customization ability makes it real nifty for users to change or alter the suit easily giving the users the chance to choose how the suit performs at their disposal in battles.                                                                            5. The greaves consist of dual layer of fabric armor and kinetic padding beneath thick plates of ablative ceramic and lined with additional kinetic barriers. It also, Increases health by 10

Who isn't aware of the millionaire playboy - Tony Stark and his companion, his Iron Man suit ! Packed with whole lot of action, gunpower, fire thrusters, the famous -J.A.R.V.I.S & the all new power core. Iron man's a man made marvel which can be used to easily piss-off any opponent who tries to rise against it. 

Special - 

1.  Advanced A.I assistant, J.A.R.V.I.S helps navigating through the mision objectives and displays information regarding the suit by using the iconic in-helmet visor.                                                                                                                     2. Super rein-forced alloys capable of doing heavy-duty tasks and provide full reaction to the power core. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. An armor with a vast arsenal of deadly weapons from heat-seeking missiles, Ground Missiles, etc. The suit also has high-grade and perfected laser which shoots a concentrated laser beam which eventually cuts-off the part of the enemy on which it is fired upon but drains a lot of power from the suit and is good for only one-go.

4.  The suit is capable of firing high-powered explosives from the hand which can do heavy-damage. The power-core can also fire a power-beam at the target.                                                                5.   Power-thrusters which can easily take the suit to greater heights and at greater speeds while helping Tony to avoid any missiles launched at him, this all in-turn results in the suit having high-mobility and agility.

Microsoft really payed a lot of detail and attention to developing this awesome Xbox exclusive. Halo lured many players towards it gradually increasing the Xbox sales. 
                     Just like all, the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor is a technologically advanced combat exoskeleton which improves speed, agility, reflexes and durability of the soldier in the battlefield.                                                                                     

Special - 

1.  Fast recharge time on the suits' energy shield system.

2.  Neural synchronization improves the relationship between the suit and the soldier which helps it to move faster, hit harder, jump higher.

3.  Integrated devices administer medical care of the armor.  Nano bots for automatic repair of both the suit and the user

4.  MJOLNIR has an outer thick shell of titanium alloy .This plating covers the chest, arms, hip, legs, calves, feet and hands. This alloy is very resilient, can take significant punishment, and is nearly impervious to small arms fire.             

5. The suit derives its power from the fusion reactor. The reactor is in-built and allows for nearly unlimited movement.             

The citizen of the Helghan empire also known ans "Helghast", are human descendants which colonized the planet Helghan. Any, PS3 player might have already played this game, if you have not, head straight over to GameStop to buy it !

Special -

1.  Sniper & Rifleman are equipped with  StA-14 Rifles & StA-52 SLAR or VC32 sniper rifles repectively. They also deal a lot of precision damage to the user and will switch to side arms if you get close.
2. Cloaking armor helps enemies to camouflage in the environment and dissapear eventually.
3.  Mechanical help like sentry bots are used in combat. These floating guns are always on the move and have dual-machine gun. When destroyed, they explode inflicting damage to anything close by. 
4. The Helghan military's primary tactics primarily relate to the implementation of vicious, rapidly sweeping surgical strikes reliant on the element of surprise, focusing almost completely on offensive based strategies. 
5. Specialist soldiers are the most athletic of the Helghan army & are vigorously trained for accomplishing critical mission and completing heavy-duty tasks


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