Top 5 Utility Apps For Smartphones !
Smartphones are something which we usually carry with us to every place and] every time. It serves as our daily companion and has the capability do a lot of things - From getting daily news for you to messaging your friends for the party, Your phone is a kind of your personal assistant. But your assistant should also have some special things. We still can't get enough out of our smartphones, can we ? To serve the perfect dish, we need the right ingredients. Just like that, to get the most out of our smartphones we require applications ! Take a look at the list of must have applications for your smart phones below !
1. Brightest LED Flashlight
Think that you went to a place and electricity goes and you don't even have a torch with you. Wait! Did I say you don't even have a torch near you? Sorry guys I was Wrong as everyone of us has a torch with him/her most of the time. You might be thinking that you don't even carry torch with you then how can a torch be with you at all the times? Don't think much guys, Your smartphone is your torch! Yes you heard that right. Birghtest LED Flashlight is an app which helps you to turn on the flash of your phone when it is needed and helps you in dark places. It is a must app for everyone who have flash in their devices.
2. Dropbox
Dropbox is a cloud storage service which enables you to store data easily and offers plenty of space. It being a multi-platform application like android, iOS, Blackberry and of-course, PC , makes it live up to the expectations of people who use different operating systems. even if you delete some files by mistakes you can find them on your cloud storage which means no need to run data recovery softwares. There are two versions of this app- paid and free. The paid version gives you comparatively much more storage than the free version which gives you about 2GB of storage .
3. Google Translate
What if you wake up one day and find yourself in the middle of Japan? What will be the first thing you would do, Yes, you would open google translate ! Hehe . ! Now you can install google translate from the playstore and take on uncharted territories without knowing their language. I would highly recommend this app to those who travel a lot to different countries and don't have time to learn that place's language.
The app LUX Lite helps you to use Auto-Brightness mode easily and wisely, This app helps you by auto adjusting the screen brightness which are far better than the original auto brightness sensor. It also enables to create custom battery profiles for every application due to which lights are strained less.
5. QR Barcode Scanner
I have a barcode scanner, You have a barcode scanner! Everyone has a barcode scanner.Wait ! What ? You don't have a barcode scanner ? Don't worry, QR barcode Scanner is an app which helps you to create, search, share barcodes and QR Codes. scanning the barcode of a product with it will give you full information about it. But what if you don't find a barcode? . It proves as a very useful app for shopaholics
This was our list of top 5 utilities but if we have missed any, be sure to tell it to us in comment section below.