
Tip-O-Trick:- Hide Hard Disk Drives (For full privacy)

How to hide hard disk drives; (Use-full For privacy) :

1.Go to Start->Run->cmd to open your Command prompt .
2.Now type diskpart and hit enter.( Note you must have administrator privileges ).
3.Now a prompt will open like DISKPART
4.Type Diskpart>list volume to see the number of drives you have in your computer.
5.Now Type Diskpart>select volume f .Here I have selected f because I want to hide F drive . Choose
the letter you want to hide.
6.Then Type Diskpart>remove letter f . And you are done your drive with letter f is now hidden and it
wont show up when you open my computer.
7.You may be prompted to restart the system restart it .
8.Now again if you want to access that folder again open diskpart following the above instructions.
Now you will see that that drive is showing but no letter is assigned to it.
9.So now type Diskpart>select volume 3 . As I have removed volume 3 so selecting 3 you may change
10.Now after selecting type Diskpart>assign letter f and you ll again have access to that drive .


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