
"New Details To Reveal" - Batman : Arkham Origins

Earlier today, people in the Warner Bros. team teased us with an image which is meant to be about revealing the next aspect of the game, Batman : Arkham Origins. They said and I quote, "3 days left until the next reveal ! We're pretty stoked to show you what it is" on their official twitter account. They also tweeted later - "Alright, we'll tell you what this reveal does not pertain to.... We're NOT revealing any feline related characters, #meow " as a reply to one of their fans.
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That's what I was talking about !

The actual tweet photo :
I am pretty excited to see what things they will be revealing about three days from now ! Any guesses ? If so, share them with us in the comments below 

The game is set for an October 25th release for PS3, Xbox 360 & PC


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