
Naughty Dog Shares The Original Story, Alernate Villian and the Ending For It's Well Received Game "The Last Of Us

Naughty Dog, the company that made the super-hit game franchise Uncharted, shared some interesting plot for the ending of it's latest game, "The Last Of Us" on Twitter ( See Here ).
  Neil Druckmann teased, "See How It Originally Ended". The post also contained a     image depicting a women who is torturing the lead character, Joel.
If we follow the latest issue of Game Informer, the original storyline for The Last Of Us saw a "betrayed" Tess pursuing Joel and Ellie across the post apocalyptic scenario of America in search of revenge.    

“What’s interesting is that, originally in the story Tess took more of a villain role,” Druckmann said. “Tess was betrayed by Joel and took on a mission to pursue him across the country. That storyline never worked out. The storyline shifted and Tess took on this role where she became more of a believer and she helped motivate Joel.”      

“We had a tough time understanding why Joel would take this journey – we weren’t buying it,” he continues. “We also had a hard time buying that Tess would go on a vendetta. We could understand her pursuing Joel a little bit, but why would she go for a year around the country? Those things were solved by saying that Tess is going to die when she gets bitten, but her dying wish to Joel is to do this one good thing – help me do this one good thing so my soul can rest because I’ve done all these horrible things.”


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